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Someone’s Gun Is Smoking

Someone’s Gun Is Smoking published on 2 Comments on Someone’s Gun Is Smoking

Bentley is moving into his full campaign mode. After all there is no reason to pass up a great opportunity for raising funds. Maybe he will even use some of his soon to be realized fortune to buy Monroe a new air conditioned shell and a bottle of aspirins. But I suspect that some frogs out there aren’t really ready to join Weight Watchers (TM) without some additional discussion.


Thanks Renato,
I “painted” these backgrounds in SketchBook Pro 2010. I typically use three applications in my strip production. SketchBook Pro for layouts, Illustrator for inking, and Photoshop for coloring. And of course everything starts with good old pencil and paper drawings. I’m pretty pleased with the way the look of the strip is evolving but I’m even more pleased with the character interactions and story evolution.