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About The Cartoonist and Writers

About The Cartoonist and Writers published on

Welcome to the world of BugPudding. I’m J.P. Keslensky, and along with my oldest daughter, Sara Keslensky Bernstein, we write and draw the comic. I’ve been writing and drawing cartoons all my life. Visual storytelling is a wonderful art form. We hope you are enjoying the comic and feel free to leave comments often

It is impossible to chronicle  all of the artists who have influenced and inspired my work. I am sure that the work of certain cartoonists have had significant influences that hopefully are obvious. Certainly I owe a huge debt to Walt Kelly, as do most modern cartoonists. I am also a big fan of the work of Jeff MacNelly, Berke Breathed, Doug Marlette, and Mike Peters. And I have to credit being greatly influenced by Chuck Jones, Tex Avery, Bob Clampett and Friz Freleng. My most recent influence has been William Riling, creator of  The Adventures of Lewis and Cluck.  And I owe Bill significant credit for inspiring me to create this web comic strip. So Bill, this is my way of saying thanks for inspiring this latest effort. I want to acknowledge the contributions and long time collaborative support of my dear friend Marty Bish. And, I also must credit my other daughter, Rachel Keslensky @Lastres0rt  , who does an amazing Sci Fi comic adventure at Lastres0rt , for her helping kick start my old bones and making me “just get on with it“.

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