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Splunker Meets Carl

Splunker Meets Carl published on 2 Comments on Splunker Meets Carl

We rarely ever get fan art, although drive by cup cake assaults do seem to be on the rise in Lake Tuberville, so Sara and I were particularly pleased to receive a piece of art from the talented P.J. Day, creator of one of our favorite online comics, Flatt Bear. It arrived via e-mail with the following attached message ” J.P.  I had actually sketched this up a while back when you did that storyline with Splunker and his identity crisis.  I envisioned a meet between him and Carl since Splunker was being mistaken for being a snake.  I inked this up this weekend and thought you might like it. P.J.”

As I said , we are big fans of Flatt Bear, which in case you haven’t already become a regular reader, we highly recommend that you do yourself a favor and start reading it today. Here is how P.J. describes the strip: “Flatt Bear is a comic strip that takes place at the Flatt Bear lodge.  A converted old rail station, it’s a place where people come from all over to get away from it all.  This is where we find Duffy, a misdirected and misguided bear who has found himself here through the witness protection program.  He meets up with a unique collection of characters who are all trying their best to keep you entertained while not getting downsized or outsourced.” The only thing I could possibly add to that description is to say that Duffy is a one of kind bag of fur and fun. And situations just seem to explode out of control regularly. But don’t take my word for it. Go start reading the comic, now, you will be glad you did.



Thanks P.J.